How to download '2023.06.05-k2-plus-pf-kraken-db.qza' file?
On the kraken2 database site, there are '.tar.gz' file and '.txt' file. There are not '.qza' file.
How to download it?
You can also use the qiime moshpit build-kraken-db action to get a database of your choice. Currently the choices are a little more limited, though, than building a database in kraken2 directly, as right now there is a limited set of options.
where --p-collection indicates which of the different pre-built DBs you want to fetch (you can see all the supported options by running qiime moshpit build-kraken-db --help and cross-referencing them with the source I linked above).
to build your custom DB by providing your own sequences in one or more FeatureData[Sequence] artifacts:
Please keep in mind that fetching pre-built 16S databases is not supported yet (coming soon!) but you could fetch them yourself from the linked resource and just import into an appropriate artifact using the qiime tools import command.