QIIME2 installation problems

Hello, I'm trying to install QIIME2 for the first time. I have a windows system and installed the WSL (ubuntu) to run anaconda3. I was able to install anaconda3, but I'm unable to activate it using the command ~/.bashrc. Also, if I type 'conda list', the prompt says the conda command doesn't exist. I can't get past this step. Did someone have the same problem on WSL? Other problems also appeared with the linux file itself. I'm a beginner, that's my command line:

[/home/beth/anaconda3] >>>
Anaconda3-5.2.0-Linux-x86_64.sh: line 350: bunzip2: command not found
tar: This does not look like a tar archive
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
beth@DESKTOP-091T9M0:~$ ~/.bashrc PATH=/home/beth/anaconda3/bin:PATH -bash: /home/beth/.bashrc: Permission denied beth@DESKTOP-091T9M0:~ sudo ~/.bashrc PATH=/home/beth/anaconda3/bin:PATH sudo: /home/beth/.bashrc: command not found beth@DESKTOP-091T9M0:~ source ~/.bashrc
beth@DESKTOP-091T9M0:~$ conda info
conda: command not found

Could you try to run:

/home/beth/anaconda3/bin/conda init 

What is the output?

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Hi! Thank you for replying!
The output is:
CommandNotFoundError: No command 'conda init'.
Even though I installed anaconda3, I think I couldn't activate it.
It's there, but the command just stops working. I runned 'conda info' yesterday just fine and now it doesn't recognize it. Here's the output of 'ls -a':
ls -a
. .bash_logout .conda .profile Anaconda3-5.2.0-Linux-x86_64.sh anaconda3
.. .bashrc .local .sudo_as_admin_successful Anaconda3-5.2.0-Linux-x86_64.sh.1
.bash_history .cache .motd_shown .vscode-server Anaconda3-5.2.0-Linux-x86_64.sh.2
beth@DESKTOP-091T9M0:~$ conda info
conda: command not found

Could you then try following:

Repeat the command you run to install anaconda after downloading the installer, the one that start with "bash".

When path for installation is prompted (did you use default path initially?), copy it. Abort installation, then run

path_you_copied_with_anaconda3_in_name/bin/conda init

Did you check this thread already?

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