When I installed Miniconda as Linux distribution in the WSL, I executed the sentence "conda init"twice, make sure it has been fully installed. Then I executed"conda update conda" twice, and finally it show there has nothing to be update. So is there any other way to confirm conda has been updated fully and truly?
Then, I tured off the WSL window, open a new, and type "conda update conda", it shows "# All requested packages already installed.".
When I run the sentence "conda env create -n qiime2-amplicon-2024.5 --file https://data.qiime2.org/distro/amplicon/qiime2-amplicon-2024.5-py39-linux-conda.yml" again, it was go wrong just like before, how it should be resolved? Following is the screenshot:
I've uninstalled WSL and installed it again, and I make sure this issue has been resolved. However, I want to move the installed WSL to another disk (non-system disk), my system disk has little storage to restore both of the QIIME2 distribution (Amplicon and Metagenome), how can I achieve this goal?
The following is the methods which I've found from the website:
## Move the installed WSL to a non-system disk:
## Turn off WSL.
wsl --shutdown
wsl -l -v
## Backup the distribution to another disk.
wsl --export Ubuntu D:\WSL\Ubuntu.tar
## (or replaced with)
wsl --export Ubuntu D:\WSL\ext4.vhdx --vhd
## Uninstall the current distrubution
wsl --unregister Ubuntu
wsl -l -v
## Create disc image of WSL on the target disk.
wsl --import Ubuntu D:\WSL D:\WSL\Ubuntu.tar --version 2
## (or replaced with)
wsl --import-in-place Ubuntu D:\WSL\ext4.vhdx
## Run the new distribution.
wsl -d Ubuntu
## Return to the new distribution with a non-root user account.
Ubuntu config --default-user yangyue
## Another way(using a git application "move-wsl-master")
cd D:\WSL\move-wsl-master
## Another way (Show wrong!)
mkdir D:\WSLHome
wsl --mount D:\WSLHome --target /home
However, when I run the code above, the WSL has not been moved to my D: disk (my non-system disk). How to move WSL to non-system disk turely?
Thank you!
To my knowledge none of us here are very familiar with WSL, so your most recent question will probably be better served on an WSL-specific help forum. Sorry about that.
I can not move the work space of WSL, but I found another way to solve this question, the code as following:
mkdir -p /mnt/d/WSL/conda_env/miniconda3
## Set the recognition way of upper/lower cases in Windows PowerShell:
fsutil.exe file queryCaseSensitiveInfo D:\WSL\conda_env\miniconda3
fsutil.exe file setCaseSensitiveInfo D:\WSL\conda_env\miniconda3 enable
fsutil.exe file queryCaseSensitiveInfo D:\WSL\conda_env\miniconda3
## Turn off Windows PowerShell, and type these sentences in WSL to install WSL at a non-system disk:
cd /mnt/d/WSL/conda_env/miniconda3
wget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -O /mnt/d/WSL/conda_env/miniconda3/miniconda.sh
cd /mnt/d/WSL/conda_env
bash /mnt/d/WSL/conda_env/miniconda3/miniconda.sh -b -u -p /mnt/d/WSL/conda_env/miniconda3
rm -rf /mnt/d/WSL/conda_env/miniconda3/miniconda.sh
/mnt/d/WSL/conda_env/miniconda3/bin/conda init bash
/mnt/d/WSL/conda_env/miniconda3/bin/conda init zsh
## Turn off and re-open WSL.
## Type these codes, when “package list” appears, Miniconda has been installed correctly:
cd /mnt/d/WSL/conda_env/miniconda3
conda list
## Type these words, when “modified” appears,Miniconda has been installed totally:
conda init
## Update Miniconda, when there has package to update, type“y”:
conda update conda
So WSL has been installed on a non-system disk.
Even though the WSL has been installed well, the "creat conda" command can not install qiime2 correctly, I'm puzzled.