qiime tools import --show-importable-formats[types] not recognized

Running cmd line environment in terminal, in Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS x86_64.
In conda env "qiime2-amplicon-2024.10"
Trying to get list of importable types and formats, but get this instead:

(qiime2-amplicon-2024.10) mike@mike-Inspiron-16-7620-2-in-1:~/working_directory$ qiime tools --show-importable-types

Usage: qiime tools [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Try 'qiime tools --help' for help.

Error: No such option: --show-importable-types

Same thing with --show-importable-formats, output is:
Error: No such option: --show-importable-formats

Is that option no longer supported? Is there another command to use? Thanks!


We have two new and better commands for this which now include brief descriptions (although many entries lack them still):

qiime tools list-formats --importable


qiime tools list-types

Use --help to see a few other handy flags on these commands.

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