qiime picrust2 full-pipeline plugin error

Hello )
I was trying to use qiime picrust2 full-pipeline plugin

qiime picrust2 full-pipeline
--i-table ASV_table.qza
--i-seq rep-seq.qza
--output-dir picrust-output
--p-placement-tool sepp
--p-threads 5
--p-hsp-method pic
--p-max-nsti 2

and got next error. I havent found a working solution.
I have qiime2-2023.5 version
Pathways for files are correct.

error looks this way:

Error running this command:
hsp.py --tree /tmp/tmpkparpvnk/picrust2_out/out.tre --output /tmp/tmpkparpvnk/picrust2_out/KO_predicted.tsv.gz --observed_trait_table /home/alla/mambaforge/envs/qiime2-2023.5/lib/python3.8/site-packages/picrust2/default_files/prokaryotic/ko.txt.gz --hsp_method pic --edge_exponent 0.5 --seed 100 --processes 5

I woul appreciate any help

Thank you

Hi @ShevchenkoAlla,

Welcome to the :qiime2: forum!

I'm looping in one the picrust developers to see if they have insight on this error.

cc @Robyn_Wright

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Hi @ShevchenkoAlla,

After looking over the PICRUSt2 Github repository, I found a note on there that recommends utilizing this Google Group for all questions related to PICRUSt and PICRUSt2 - I'd suggest re-posting this question as it looks like questions are more closely monitored, so you may get a faster response there!

Best of luck :lizard:

Thank you very much

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