Qiime installation on google colab

Dear All.

I have a problem installing the qiime 2 on google colab. I am using this command

!wget https://github.com/Gibbons-Lab/isb_course_2021/raw/main/setup_qiime2
%run setup_qiime2

the original notebook said, it should take around 10-15 min but for me it never finish the execution.
does anybody have any suggestion?

best Regards,

Welcome to the forums!

We have our own install instructions over here, if you want to try those:

Here's the GitHub repo that script came from. Perhaps you could open an issue over there?

Dear Colin J Brislawn,

Thanks for your response.

I saw already the installation guides. I wanted to follow the tutorial on YouTube doing the analysis on the google Colab.

I followed your suggestion and opened an issue on the mentioned github page.


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The issue has been solved following Dr. Christian Diener on using 2023 version.


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