Qiime 2 Studie (q2studio) in Virtualbox

Qiime 2 Studio is supposed to be already installed in the VirtualBox; I have version qiime2-2017.8. How do I start q2studio?

I'm running the preconfigured installation on our virtual server and I have a working VNC connection to it. I read that q2studio is already installed on the virtualbox?

Best regards

Hi @arwqiime,

To clarify, you are using the VirtualBox images we provide? You should find an icon on the left-hand side of your screen with a QIIME 2 logo on it. If you click that (and wait a few moments) it should start up.

If you don't see it, could you provide a screenshot of your desktop inside the virtual machine?

did you receive the screenshot? I have the virtualbox installation from Aug, 2017. Does this image aleardy have q2studio?
Besr regards

Hi @arwqiime,

I have not received the screenshot, you should be able to use the little upload button at the top of your "reply" window when responding (or editing).

It looks like q2studio has been in the VirtualBox images since June, so it should be there in your sidebar. It's possible you removed it on accident (maybe by dragging and dropping it without realizing). Since your QIIME 2 release is pretty stale at this point, you might consider just downloading the latest version.

Hi Evan
I made the mistagke to answer through my email client instead of opening the forum reply. Sorry
Here are the two schreenshots, one of Virtualbox installation 2017-8, the other of 2017-12. The look quite different.
Best regards

Hi @arwqiime! Thanks for the screenshots, that was really helpful! The first screenshot does not appear to be for our virtual machine (I know you mentioned it was 2017.8, but this screenshot appears to be an entirely different VM). It is possible that a new desktop environment was installed on this deployment (it appears to be XFCE), but that would have happened after it was installed on your virtual server, which means this isn't something we have control over, and can't really provide any specific guidance on. As @ebolyen recommended earlier, I would also suggest sticking with the latest release of QIIME 2 (it looks like you installed 2017.12 already, awesome!). Thanks! :t_rex:

Hi Matthew,
Thank you for your reply; I will check with our IT department whether any desktop environment has been applied during their installation process. I remember, there were a few updates scheduked by Ubuntu which I installed. I hope that this has not caused the troubles.
For security reasons, we have to apply security updates of the operating systems when a machine is installed in our University network. But I will have to make sure that noting is installed in addition to the important updates.
Best regards

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Hi, just a short info to the issue described above. After migrating the VirtualBox image on our VMware platform, I indeed had to setup vncserver to get a graphical interface with Qiime2. Following the suggestions at How to Install and Configure VNC on Ubuntu 16.04 | DigitalOcean I indeed installed xfce4, resulting in a 'new' desktop environment. I could now start q2studio in this new environment and will test it.
Is anything known that q2stuio will not (fully) work under another desktop environment? I hope not.
Best regards

Nope, that should be fine. You will just need to handle the desktop integration yourself (e.g. creating a desktop file or similar depending on environment). If you are happy starting the studio from the command line, then you don't even need to go that far. Here are the instructions for a manual installation (doesn't include desktop environment specifics).

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