Qiime 2 installation fails

Dear Qiime2 developers ,
Thank you for this brilliant platform!

we are trying to install QIIME 2 on our linux system. We are following the qiime tutorial to install qiime2. We installed conda, we downloaded qiime 2, however we are facing the following issue:

Qiime installation starts in the conda environment, however few “packages” get installed only partially and the entire qiime installation crashes. We can’t figure out the issue. We keep getting the following error everytime
"Max recursive limit reached"

Could someone please let us know what to modify/look for?

Thank you for your time and help!

Hi @Kruttika_Phalnikar,

That sounds pretty unusual. How stable is your internet connection to that machine?

Let’s try running these commands to make sure we’re installing on a clean-ish slate:

conda update conda
conda clean -y --all

Does that improve the situation? If not, could you post some of the output you are seeing? Thanks!

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