QIIME 2 2017.2 release is now live!

Hi all,
The QIIME 2 2017.2 release is now live! You can find the full release notes here, but here are a few of the highlights:

  • Support for paired end read analysis.
  • Parallel processing support and other performance enhancements for DADA2.
  • Sample metadata can now be integrated in feature table summary plots generated by feature-table summarize, allowing users to interactively explore rarefaction depth parameters in the context of sample metadata. See an example of the interactive visualization here and click the Interactive Sample Detail tab.
  • We’ve pre-trained taxonomic classifiers for Silva 119 and Greengenes 13_8 (both for full length sequences and the 515F/806R region). You can find those on our data resources page. The runtime and memory requirements for training and running feature classifiers with q2-feature-classifier has also been greatly decreased, making it more feasible to train classifiers for your specific amplicons.
  • Native installation of QIIME 2 is now much simpler (and will continue to get simpler).
  • Improved documentation and error reporting, including a completely re-written installation guide for the QIIME 2 VirtualBox based on feedback from our user community.

Enjoy, and get in touch on the QIIME 2 forum with any questions!