q2-shotgun bracken error

Hi @misialq

Yes, of course, here is the code:


echo "Running Kraken2 classification..."
qiime moshpit classify-kraken2 \
     --i-seqs demux.qza \
     --i-kraken2-db "$SHOTGUN_FOLDER/kraken2-databases/$REF_DATABASE_NAME/krakendb_$REF_DATABASE_NAME.qza" \
     --p-threads $THREADS \
     --p-confidence $CONFIDENCE_PERCENTAGE \
     --p-minimum-base-quality $MINIMUM_BASE_QUALITY \
     --output-dir $SHOTGUN_FOLDER/results/$ANALYSIS_NAME \

echo "Running Bracken estimation..."
qiime moshpit estimate-bracken \
     --i-bracken-db "$SHOTGUN_FOLDER/kraken2-databases/$REF_DATABASE_NAME/brackendb_$REF_DATABASE_NAME.qza" \
     --p-read-len $READ_LENGTH \
     --i-kraken-reports $SHOTGUN_FOLDER/results/$ANALYSIS_NAME/reports.qza \
     --o-reports $SHOTGUN_FOLDER/results/$ANALYSIS_NAME/bracken-reports.qza \
     --o-taxonomy $SHOTGUN_FOLDER/results/$ANALYSIS_NAME/taxonomy-bracken.qza \
     --o-table $SHOTGUN_FOLDER/results/$ANALYSIS_NAME/table-bracken.qza

However, Brakcen has always given errors, since almost all the results from Kraken2 were 100% unclassified.
(Taking advantage of this comment I would like to ask something: Imagine that I have 10 samples and 8 of them have actually results, but 2 don't (these two could have 100% unclassified results). Would Bracken run correctly? Or is it necessary to remove those that don't have results?)

** I downloaded and created the kraken databases following the steps from the tutorial I mentioned above:

Thank youuu in advance for your help!