q2-boots and Parsl testing

When running boots with --parallel, I get an error

! qiime boots core-metrics \
 --i-table     results_paper3_2024_1/dada2_f240_r240/table.qza \
 --i-phylogeny results_paper3_2024_1/dada2_f240_r240/sepp_tree.qza \
 --m-metadata-file haberg-metadata-cache.qza \
 --p-sampling-depth 5000 --p-n 10 \
 --parallel \
 --p-replacement \
 --output-dir results_paper3_2024_1/dada2_f240_r240/boots_withreplacement_10at5k
# 2.5 mins single thread, 

Plugin error from boots:
cannot copy tree '/tmp/qiime2-provenance-2s3t2ri8': not a directory
Debug info has been saved to /tmp/qiime2-q2cli-err-jm5py2mw.log

Here are no folder with that name in my temp:

(qiime2-amplicon-2024.5) colin@cymis-2:~/github-cymis/barnes-haberg$ ll -t /tmp/ | grep qiime2
-rw-------   1 colin colin   6096 Sep  5 19:09 qiime2-q2cli-err-73iul3k_.log
-rw-------   1 colin colin   6096 Sep  5 19:08 qiime2-q2cli-err-jm5py2mw.log
-rw-------   1 colin colin   6096 Sep  5 18:49 qiime2-q2cli-err-ehzqa0so.log
-rw-------   1 colin colin   6096 Sep  5 18:39 qiime2-q2cli-err-xy03pqb5.log
drwx------   4 colin colin   4096 Aug 29 17:43 qiime2-provenance-4whwmsh3/
drwx------   4 colin colin   4096 Aug 29 17:32 qiime2-provenance-37uv38kf/

When I remove the --parallel argument it works fine!

This is my first time using parsl and I am using the default config.

Watching top, I can see it running many processes, so I think the issue is after calculations while writing the output

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@colinbrislawn, it looks like you're running in a 2024.5 release environment. Is that right? Would you mind installing q2-boots according to the 2024.10 development version instructions? We updated the default parsl config in the development version.

Also, can you tell us a little more about the system that you're running this on? Single node/computer, or a multi-node system?

System versions
Python version: 3.9.19
QIIME 2 release: 2024.10
QIIME 2 version: 2024.10.0.dev0+12.g3581493
q2cli version: 2024.10.0.dev0+5.g76b8d1e

Installed plugins
alignment: 2024.10.0.dev0
boots: 2024.5.beta+2.g96b7692
composition: 2024.10.0.dev0
cutadapt: 2024.10.0.dev0
dada2: 2024.10.0.dev0+2.g7d89c3b
deblur: 2024.10.0.dev0
demux: 2024.10.0.dev0+2.gc13cafb
diversity: 2024.10.0.dev0+2.gc81c7a0
diversity-lib: 2024.10.0.dev0+1.gbd7e767
emperor: 2024.10.0.dev0
cat ~/miniconda3/envs/q2-boots-2024.10.dev/etc/qiime2_config.toml 
strategy = "None"

class = "ThreadPoolExecutor"
label = "tpool"
max_threads = 7

class = "HighThroughputExecutor"
label = "default"
max_workers = 7

class = "LocalProvider"

currently crashing code block:

! rm -rf results_paper3_2024_1/dada2_f240_r240/bootstrap_100at5k
! qiime boots core-metrics \
 --i-table     results_paper3_2024_1/dada2_f240_r240/table.qza \
 --i-phylogeny results_paper3_2024_1/dada2_f240_r240/sepp_tree.qza \
 --m-metadata-file haberg-metadata-cache.qza \
 --p-sampling-depth 5000 --p-n 100 \
 --parallel \
 --p-replacement \
 --output-dir results_paper3_2024_1/dada2_f240_r240/bootstrap_100at5k

Computer: Cloud VM, 16 GB memory, 4 cores w/ 8 threads, linux-x86

I actually think this is the same as the issue michal and I are having with Kraken.

This is a known parsl issue. A work around is described here: