Problems importing MANIFEST files of single end fastq


I am using Windows 11 subsystem for linux Ubuntu system. I installed Qiime2 amplicon 2024.10 using the conda version 24.9.2. I am working with single end reads. I have problems importing my manifest file using both:

qiime tools import --type 'SampleData[SequencesWithQuality]' --input-path fastq --output-path R1.qza --input-format SingleLanePerSampleSingleEnd


qiime tools import --type 'SampleData[SequencesWithQuality]' --input-path fastq --output-path R1.qza

The error is:
There was a problem importing Extracted_FASTq:
Missing one or more files for SingleLanePerSampleSingleEndFastqDirFmt: 'MANIFEST'

my manifest file looks like this

it is together in one file with all my zipped fastq files.

it is the same error with unzipped file. since it's unzipped, i changed to .fastq (not fastq.gz)

i have tried to search all over the web and forum but there aren't many discussions on single end reads. I am not sure if my manifest is file is created correctly? what else should i do to make qiime detect my manifest file :sob:

I appreciate for any help

Best regards,

when i use code
(qiime2-amplicon-2024.10) elfling@LAPTOP-UO70CJKQ:/mnt/c/Users/weili/Desktop/PhD/Thesis/Metabarcoding analysis/Dec 2024$ ls Extracted_FASTq

it also did show that i have my manifest file in the folder but the error is the still the same

i got it already. thank you so much

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