qiime diversity alpha-rarefaction \ --i-table asv-table.qza \ --p-max-depth 2700 \ --m-metadata-file sample-metadata.tsv \ --o-visualization alpha-rarefaction.qzv The following error occurred when I run this code: There were some problems with the command:
(1/4) Missing option '--i-table'.
(2/4) Missing option '--p-max-depth'.
(3/4) Missing option '--o-visualization'. ("--output-dir" may also be used)
(4/4) Got unexpected extra arguments (asv-table.qza 2700 sample-metadata.tsv
alpha-rarefaction.qzv) I need your enthusiastic help. Thank you!
Those slashes \
at the end of the lines \
tell Linux that it's all one command!
If you would like to run it as one long line, then you don't need those back slashes.
(The errors are because those parameters are not found due to the slashes.)
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