problem with importing data with manifest file

Hello to all

I am trying to import data with my manifest file, according to me, the manifest is correct and I have my data in fastq in a folder called test (as I will show below).

sample-id forward-absolute-filepath reverse-absolute-filepath
sample1 /home/kari/puyuhuapi/test/4132-Puy-1-MS515F_R1.fastq /home/kari/puyuhuapi/test/4132-Puy-1-MS515F_R2.fastq
sample2 /home/kari/puyuhuapi/test/4132-Puy-2-MS515F_R1.fastq /home/kari/puyuhuapi/test/4132-Puy-2-MS515F_R2.fastq
sample3 /home/kari/puyuhuapi/test/4132-Puy-3-MS515F_R1.fastq /home/kari/puyuhuapi/test/4132-Puy-3-MS515F_R2.fastq
sample4 /home/kari/puyuhuapi/test/4132-Puy-4-MS515F_R1.fastq /home/kari/puyuhuapi/test/4132-Puy-4-MS515F_R2.fastq

and I always get the same error, which I don't know how to fix anymore:

There was a problem importing pe-64-manifest:

pe-64-manifest is not a(n) PairedEndFastqManifestPhred33V2 file:

Missing filepath on line 3 and column "reverse-absolute-filepath".

and when checking my manifest file, the path is fine, what could I be doing wrong?

I hope you can help me and thank you very much

Hello @karina_F, well it definitely looks like you have a value for sample 3 reverse reads that being home/kari/puyuhuapi/test/4132-Puy-3-MS515F_R2.fastq, have you verified that the referenced file does exist?

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