Plugin - Github Workflow Problems


We have developed a plugin that is successfully tested on our own systems. However, on the Github workflow system the pytest-cov step fails. This is very difficult to debug. Who should I contact about this please? Some help would be appreciated!


Hey @mroper!

Apologies for the late response to your questions! I'd be happy to help you get these test failures sorted, and provide you with a library token once your tests are passing and everything else in your plugin looks good. Can you send me a link to a pull request with these test failures, or a link to your plugin repository on Github?

Hey @lizgehret,

No problems!

The Github repository is still private. I have invited you as a collaborator to the repository.

Thanks again!

Hi @mroper,

Thanks for your patience - things have been a bit crazy over here with lots of inclement weather, and getting our latest QIIME 2 release out. Would you mind re-sending the collaborator invite? I have designated some time this week to take a look at this and answer any questions that you have. Apologies again for the delay on this!

No problems, @lizgehret !

I hope that everything is okay now !?

I have resent you a Github collaborator invite.

Take care and thank you

Hi @mroper,

Yes, all is well - thank you! I accepted the invite this morning, and will take a look at your repository in the next day or two. I will follow up with you shortly after looking over everything. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey @mroper,

Just as a heads up - I'm going to unqueue this thread since we are continuing this conversation via email. Cheers :lizard: