Metadata does not contain any columns that satisfy this visualizer's requirements. There must be at least one metadata column that contains categorical data, isn't empty, doesn't consist of unique values, and doesn't consist of exactly one value.
Debug info has been saved to /var/folders/gk/q2nm38xd67l_c4r76vz0tz8m0000gn/T/qiime2-q2cli-err-g1ngs7o0.log
Plugin error from diversity:
Metadata does not contain any columns that satisfy this visualizer's requirements. There must be at least one metadata column that contains categorical data, isn't empty, doesn't consist of unique values, and doesn't consist of exactly one value.
Debug info has been saved to /var/folders/gk/q2nm38xd67l_c4r76vz0tz8m0000gn/T/qiime2-q2cli-err-nsorwocz.log
In your metadata file, you should have some categorical columns in which levels are not unique. It can be a treatment, sample source, location and any other parameter you would like to test. Here is an excellent example.
You are trying to run statistical test on your samples. It will not work if you don't have groups to compare. Based on your metadata file you have only three samples, it is not enough for statistical test. You should have groups that are not unique to compare. For example, let's take "Description" column. To run alpha diversity test, you should have replicates for each level in that column, but you have only 3 samples and all of them are unique regarding the column value.