Hello guys! I am triying to remove my primers from demultiplex paired end reads obtained from illumina MiSeq prior to run Deblur. First, I imported my data from a folder called Raw (this was ok) which contained foward and reverse fastq files as follows:
(qiime2-2018.6) [jmseoane@tetox Raw]$ time qiime tools import
--type 'SampleData[PairedEndSequencesWithQuality]'
--input-path "/pathTo/manifest.csv"
--source-format PairedEndFastqManifestPhred33
--output-path "/pathTo/Raw/demux-paired-end"
Then I tried to trim my primers using cutadapt as follows:
Noteably, there was an issue with trim-paired in 2018.6 and we released a patch version for it (2018.6.1):
It's possible you've run into this inadvertently. The reads listed in particular seem to be the wrong direction for the file they state they are coming from.
If your 2018.8 environment is accidentally using 2018.6 it's possible that's the reason for the error.
Thank you for your fast reply, yesterday I was triying with both enviroments so maybe I messes up. Today after reading your reply I started a fresh session and looks ok :
cutadapt: error: Reads are improperly paired. Read name 'M03099:46:000000000-BBDY9:1:1101:22679:1783 2:N:0:107' in file 1 does not match 'M03099:46:000000000-BBDY9:1:1101:14264:1773 1:N:0:108' in file 2.
This was raised while processing sample11. The error is saying that your forward and reverse reads don't match (the aren't "paired" properly). Double-check your files, pre-import to QIIME 2 to make sure you imported what you intended to.