picrust2 Sepp Reference Data Base: picrust2_default_sepp_ref.qza

Hey guys!

I want to use picrust plugin with SEPP version, I’m using QIIME2 2019.10 and I tried this

qiime fragment-insertion sepp --i-representative-sequences mammal_seqs.qza \
                              --p-threads 1 \
                              --i-reference-database picrust2_default_sepp_ref.qza \
                              --output-dir tutorial_placed_out

I tried to make the picrust_default_sepp_ref.qza. but all the time appears an error:

(1/1) Invalid value for “–i -reference-database”: Expected an artifact of at least type SeppReferenceDatabase. An artifact of type Phylogeny [Rooted] was provided.


(1/1) Invalid value for “–i -reference-database”: Expected an artifact of at least type SeppReferenceDatabase. An artifact of type FeatureData [Sequence was provided.

My trouble: I don’t know how to generate the picrust_default_sepp_ref.qza. I understand that in QIIME2 2019.10 it’s different but I can’t find some related documentation.

Thank you and I’m sorry if my question is basic.

Hey there @Nayeli_Luis_Vargas, sorry I didn't get a chance to respond sooner!

Can you describe how you made this?

Right now we provide two SEPP reference databases:


You can download one of those, there. We don't document or support other reference databases (at the moment), because the SEPP developers don't yet have a solid reproducible reference validation pipeline established, so only those databases above have been validated and benchmarked.

Keep us posted!


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