Hello, I want to draw pcoa biplot follow this tutorial. But I get error at qiime diversity pcoa-biplot command. Error message:
Plugin error from diversity:
The eigenvectors and the descriptors must describe the same samples.
Debug info has been saved to /tmp/173481.1.all_el7.q/qiime2-q2cli-err-zc8osesj.log
My command:
# get releative frequency data from dada2 output
qiime feature-table relative-frequency \
--i-table table-dada2.qza \
--o-relative-frequency-table frequency-table.qza
# get pcoa result
qiime diversity core-metrics-phylogenetic \
--i-phylogeny rooted-tree.qza \
--i-table table-dada2.qza \
--p-sampling-depth 20000 \
--m-metadata-file sample_metadata.tsv \
--output-dir core-metrics-results
# run pcoa-biplot
qiime diversity pcoa-biplot \
--i-pcoa core-metrics-results/bray_curtis_pcoa_results.qza \
--i-features frequency-table.qza \
--o-biplot biplot/bray_curtis_pcoa_biplot.qza
Hi @11118,
looks like you are using different feature tables for core-metrics and pcoa-biplot. You need to use the same exact table — currently, you are trying to make a pcoa biplot on the full set of samples, but only providing feature table information for a subset of these samples.
Thanks @Nicholas_Bokulich , but I still have troubles here. I wan't to use the same feature table, but pcoa-biplot command needs RelativeFrequency, core-metrics-phylogenetic can't use core-metrics-phylogenetic needs Frequency at least. Do you have full biplot demo?
To avoid the error, you need to filter out from your table all samples that have minimum frequency of fetures less than 20000 or you can put a lower p-sampling-depth corresponding to the minimum frequency in your table.
A quick note here, you can also just used the rarefied feature table that is output from the core-metrics step. Convert that to relative frequency and you are set.