I've been asked to view the contents of a .qza files. He suggested using textwrangler to open it but as far as I can tell it's only available on MacOS. I'm running Qiime on a Virtual PC with Linux. Are there any suitable alternatives that I can use?
Use qiime tools export
to export your QZA to a non-archived file format, as described here. Usually this will be a human-readable format that you can just open with any text viewer, depending on the QZA type.
However, most human-readable file formats that you would actually want to manually inspect (e.g., taxonomy or sequence files) can also be "summarized" in a visualization using qiime metadata tabulate
. This will be much more useful, since you can sort and search inside these visualizations (after they are opened with qiime tools view
or https://view.qiime2.org/)
Other QZAs, like feature tables or demultiplexed sequences, have their own summarize actions (qiime feature-table summarize
and qiime demux summarize
, to be precise). These will probably be more useful for assessing the contents, rather than exporting, unless if you want something really specific (e.g., you think there's something wrong with the contents of a file).
If you have a specific type of QZA that I did not mention above and exporting does not get what you need, let us know the type and we can offer another solution.
I hope that helps!
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