Odd quality score of 2 amongst otherwise usable data

Hi @adwyness,

Welcome to the :qiime2: forum and thanks so much for your patience!

My initial thoughts are that it's difficult to nail down where these poor quality scores are coming from without having any information regarding your sequencing provider, etc. Depending on what your analysis pipeline looks like, one option would be to use DADA2 and trim at ~37 bp to remove those poor quality scores. This could be a good solution if this is the only run where you are seeing this issue.

Alternatively, if you are seeing a lot of variance in your quality scores across multiple runs, you might consider using deblur instead of DADA2 for your denoising, since it uses a static error model (as opposed to DADA2, which uses the quality scores to inform the model).

Here are a couple of good forum posts that discuss using DADA2 vs. deblur for different situations, and this might help clarify things further:

Hope this helps! Cheers :lizard: