No option for metadata file in core diversity metrics


First of all I would like to thank you all for the great work that you put in QIIME2.

I tried to run the diversity core-metrics/core-metrics-phylogenetic plugin, but failed to provide a metadata file. According to the instructions in QIIME2 docs it should be able to pass the --m-metadata-file option, but this gives a failure when running the script in QIIME2 (2017.9) reporting that no such option exists.
Indeed when I call the help function for this script it does not show an option to provide a metadata file. Also when using QIIME2 Studio I do not see an option to provide metadata.

many thanks in advance,
best regards,


Hi @JohnP1978!

Thanks! :heart:

The --m-metadata-file flag was introduced in 2017.10 (it sounds like the version of the docs you are looking at are the 2017.10 docs, too). It you go ahead and upgrade to 2017.10 this should be good to go for you! For future reference, you can view old docs by using the version picker in the upper left corner of any page of the docs:

If you are interested in learning what flags are available to you in the version you are currently running (2017.9), please check out the previous docs here.

Thanks! :t_rex:

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