I have used Qiime2 to do analysis with paired-end, phred33 and multiplexed sequences, and everything went well after importing the raw data into qiime2 artifacts.
Now, however, I am trying to analysis the mock-6 data ( from the Mockrobiota GIthub ), includes barcodes.fastq.gz and forward reads in fastq format
Hi @Guan_Haibin,
Thank you for reporting. This not a user error, it looks like the EMP format is not properly equipped for Phred64 format, and so is being interpreted as Phred33. I have raised an issue to get this fixed.
Also, just a suggestion: mock-6 is a really old and not particularly good dataset in mockrobiota. If you want 16S data, I would recommend just about any others. mock-12 and mock-18+ are particularly good (and probably phred33 already).
The second line with the cat and awk business is for transforming the existing MANIFEST file into a fastq-manifest --- you could also use Excel or Google Sheets, if that makes more sense for you. The idea here is to export the data you imported already, take advantage of a file (MANIFEST) that has been generated for you, and use that to try and re-import as Phre64.
Thanks for generating the manifest file.
In this case, the mock-6 data has not been demultiplexed yet, thus I don’t think it would work by using the Manifest file.
BTW, I have tried to use “fastq_phred_convert” tool that @Nicholas_Bokulich suggested and it worked for me.