Hi all,
I'm creating a metadata file and having an issue. The error I keep getting is:
"There was an issue with loading the file Metadata.csv as metadata:
Found directive '#q2:types,categorical,numeric,numeric,numeric,numeric,numeric,numeric,numeric,numeric,numeric,numeric,numeric,categorical,categorical,numeric,categorical,categorical,categorical,categorical,categorical,categorical,numeric,categorical,numeric,numeric' while searching for header. Directives may only appear immediately after the header.
There may be more errors present in the metadata file. To get a full report, sample/feature metadata files can be validated with Keemei: https://keemei.qiime2.org
Find details on QIIME 2 metadata requirements here: Metadata in QIIME 2 — QIIME 2 2024.5.0 documentation"
I've validated the file using Keemei and everything looks fine according to that. I've also downloaded example metadata files from the moving pictures tutorial (https://data.qiime2.org/2024.5/tutorials/moving-pictures/sample_metadata.tsv) and have organised mine the same as theirs as far as I can tell.
Thanks for your help,