LSMatFormat file


I'm trying to import a distance matrix generated outside of QIIME. I'm receiving the following error:

$ qiime tools import --type DistanceMatrix --input-path ../ --output-path ../qiime2/

There was a problem importing ../

../ is not a(n) LSMatFormat file

Could you point me to what a "LSMatFormat file" format should be?


Hi @ekopylova! This is a scikit-bio format, you can learn more about it here! Ultimately, this should be a square matrix, represented as a TSV, with your sample ids as row and column labels (check out the export doc to learn how to export a QZA, then export one of the distance matrices from the Moving Pictures tutorial for reference!). Good luck! :t_rex:

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A small addition to @thermokarst's reply: the LSMatFormat is the same file format that QIIME 1 uses to produce distance matrices.

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