JupyterHub: "jupyter serverextension enable --py qiime2 --sys-prefix" does not work

Hi all,

I built the JupyterHub environment considering hosting a small teaching session. The QIIME 2 is isntalled in a separate conda env and it works well.
When an external user logs in to the JupyterHub and runs the visualization code such as the following, an error occurs.

demux_trimmed_summary_vis = qiime2.Visualization.load('./paired-end-demux-trimmed.qzv')

Install QIIME 2 Jupyter extension with:
jupyter serverextension enable --py qiime2 --sys-prefix
then restart your server.
(Interactive output not available on static notebook viewer services like nbviewer.)

I checked that the extension is enabled as follows.

Enabling: qiime2.jupyter
- Writing config: /opt/anaconda3/envs/microbiome/etc/jupyter
    - Validating...
      qiime2.jupyter  OK

However, after restarting the JupyterHub, the same error occurs.

One thing I couldn't understand is... if a user opens SSH (port 8888) through PuTTY and runs a jupyter notebook, the visualization works well without any errors. Therefore, I think this error is something to do with the JupyterHub. I'd appreciate any comments.


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Hi there @jaehyun.kim!

I have a feeling this is the problem - I think the server extension assumes that it is installed in the same conda environment as the jupyter server (although I don't know this for sure). Is it possible for you to run jupyter notebook from the same environment that has QIIME 2 installed in it?

Keep us posted :qiime2: :t_rex:

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Hi @thermokarst
Thank you for your comments. I tried to re-install everything within the same conda environment but again failed to load the serverextension.
After activating the conda environment (named microbiome and installed qiime2 and jupyter), I typed 'sudo /opt/anaconda3/envs/microbiome/bin/jupyterhub'.
I had to manually set up the path to the configurable-http-proxy, jupyterhub, etc.
But the PermissionError occurred and failed to load the jupyterhub.
I think it's something to do with root privilege, the path to the jupyter, and virtual environment settings.

After seeing those errors, I decided to roll back to the previous settings.
Anyway, users should be able to view their .qzv files through the q2view.

Thanks for your help!!


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