Hello @colinvwood
(qiime2-amplicon-2024.2) svecka@svecserver:~/FRESH/FRESH_ITS$ test -x /home && echo "You have execute access to /home" || echo "No execute access to /home"
You have execute access to /home
e/sveck(qiime2-amplicon-2024.2) svecka@svecserver:~/FRESH/FRESH_ITS$ test -x /home/svecka && echo "You have execute access to /home/svecka" || echo "No execute access to /home/svecka"
You have execute access to /home/svecka
(qiime2-amplicon-2024.2) svecka@svecserver:~/FRESH/FRESH_ITS$ test -x /home/svecka/FRESH && echo "You have execute access to /home/svecka/FRESH" || echo "No execute access to /home/svecka/FRESH"
You have execute access to /home/svecka/FRESH
(qiime2-amplicon-2024.2) svecka@svecserver:~/FRESH/FRESH_ITS$
I think my access and rights should be guaranted...
Thank you for showing me the Need help: plugin error from ITSxpress - #6 by Lavendel ... i will also try to downgrade my ITSxpress 2.1.3 to ITSxpress 2.1.1 and ill let you know if it helped.