Issues saving heat map as SVG file


I have produced a heat map using qiime feature-table heatmap using version 2022.2, however I am having trouble saving as an SVG file.

When I click the SVG file to save, it opens the file in a new tab. On the new tab, there is no SVG button, and when I try to "Save as" in the new tab, there is not file to save.

I appreciate any leads on how to save a file from the .qzv


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The 'Save As...' menu is hiding!

It's also here:

Do you see these on your computer? If not, what browser are you using? (I'm using Google Chrome on Windows 10).

Hi Colin,

I appreciate the ideas! Unfortunately, in the Google Chrome tab I am working in, neither of these options let me save a file. It always throws an error of "failed - no file", regardless if I try it on the original .qzv or the page that opens when I hit "download SVG"

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Want to post the .qzv file so I can try it? That way we will know if it's an issue with the file or the computer... :page_facing_up: vs :computer:

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