Hi all,
I am a total beginner to qiime2 with my very first set of real 16s sequences to analyze!
I am ready to build my tree using:
(qiime) kmorris@atacama:/Net/Groups/BGI/people/kmorris/for_qiime2$ qiime phylogeny align-to-tree-mafft-fasttree \
--i-sequences rep-seqs-nonchimeric-wo-borderline.qza
--p-n-threads 24
--o-alignment fast/aligned-rep-seqs.qza
--o-masked-alignment fast/masked-aligned-rep-seqs.qza
--o-tree fast/unrooted-tree.qza
--o-rooted-tree fast/rooted-tree.qza
However, I ran into the same issue as some others:
Plugin error from phylogeny:
Command '['mafft', '--preservecase', '--inputorder', '--thread', '24', '/scratch/tmp/qiime2-archive-uo73mmg3/d93f2fd1-d498-4da4-ad93-7bd0eb851cfc/data/dna-sequences.fasta']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
Because I am a beginner, I thought it would be worth checking that the input file is in good shape, before running again with more RAM (last run was on a computer with 250 GB).
Here is a link to my qzv: table-nonchimeric-wo-borderline.qzv - Google Drive
Is this just too many sequences for the align-to-tree-mafft-fasttree method?
Is there a way to calculate the memory needs for running?
Many thanks is advance for your support. It took a while to make this data happen, so I am very happy to be here. Let me know what you think.