Issue installing older version of Qiime2

I am having issue installing Qiime2 2020.6, I know its a pretty old version but I need to to use the Songbird plug in. When I do try to install i get a variety of conflicts that pop up with q2 files. Is there anyway to solve or get around this?

Hi @hmarti,
Can you share the commands you are running for installing your qiime2 2020.6 environment and the full error message you are receiving? with those details hopefully we can this install working :slight_smile:

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I used the commands in the provided on the distribution page on 2020.6 qiime2 docs
conda env create -n qiime2-2020.6 --file qiime2-2020.6-py36-osx-conda.yml

Hi @hmarti,

Can you please provide a full page screenshot of these commands being run along with the associated error message(s) that you're seeing? This will help us to more accurately identify what's causing the issue. Thanks!

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Hi @lizgehret,
here are screenshots of the top and bottom of the error code

Hi @hmarti,

Thanks for providing those screenshots. Can you please share the following additional info:

  • what machine you are attempting to install this environment on (i.e. macOS intel/M series, linux, etc)
  • what version of conda you're using (run conda --info and paste the output in your response)


Hi @lizgehret,

I am using mOS intel and here is in conda info screen shot

Hi @hmarti,

Thanks for providing those details! It looks like you're using the correct python/conda versions, and you're also using the correct environment file for your machine. With that being said, I tried installing 2020.6 and I also received conflicts - I wasn't able to get a solve using either of the available conda solvers.

Unfortunately we cannot guarantee continued compatibility of our old QIIME 2 environments. Since you're trying to use a particular community plugin that relies on such an old version of QIIME 2, my best recommendation would be to reach out to the developer(s) to see if they have any suggestions or if they are working on a newer compatible version of this plugin.


Okay, Thanks for the help!

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