Is there a method to skip denoising and make table.qza and rep-seqs.qza?

Hi @Daniel_Pass,
To add to @jakereps's suggestion, I think you probably do want to do some sort of basic quality filtering on your data, even if not using one of the denoising approaches. If so, you can perform QIIME-1-like quality control using the methods in the quality-filter plugin, and you can remove chimeric sequences as illustrated in the chimera checking community tutorial. We also do have some documentation on using dereplicate-sequences, as well as QIIME-1-like clustering methods, in the clustering sequences community tutorial.

We plan to migrate those community tutorials into the official documentation before too long so they're easier to find (the Community Tutorials category is often used as a temporary spot to publish tutorials that are on their way into the docs but not quite ready yet).

Hope this helps!

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