Ion Torrent PGM, 16S rRNA dada2 denoise

Thank you so much @ebolyen @colinbrislawn!

The problem is that q2-dada 2 takes so long time, and my computer always crashed after running for about 30 hours...

I saw you also suggested using R to run dada2 and import feature-table and rep-seqs back into qiime 2 to get core-metrics. But the tutorial is for paired-seqs (Illunima), may I know if you minding advising how to deal with Ion Torrent seqs? What should I do when it comes to the steps like mergePairs?

Thank you so much.

BTW, how should I cite the the suggestion: The official recommendation is to set trim-left to 15 for Ion Torrent data.? is there any publication that I can cite?