I'm trying to "reinstall" qiime2 on a computer that I've updated to macOS Mojave. It had a qiime2 version 2018.6 that worked.
I keep getting this error: "conda env create -n qiime2-2019.1 --file qiime2-2019.1-py36-osx-conda.yml
Collecting package metadata: done
Solving environment: failed
I've tried removing miniconda from my computer and reinstalling it. But with no improvement.
Really grateful for any suggestions in a language understandable for someone with a lack of basic conda/terminal knowledge!
I am having the same problem with Mac OS Sierra. I updated to 2018.11 on one laptop this morning and was successful. By this afternoon, none of my other computers could be updated, and the error was the same as above.
Hi @Anna, @tobinjan, and @RuneGronseth! Please try to give installation a try again. QIIME 2 uses the conda platform, and all of the software packages are hosted on anaconda.org --- sometimes that service has network issues, or packages get replaced/updated. I suspect you all got unlucky with timing --- I just installed a fresh deployment of 2019.1 on linux and everything worked as expected, so maybe anaconda.org is sorted out now. Thanks! :qiime2:
Oops, I spoke too soon. Looks like this package (Files | Anaconda.org) is only in the macos environments, and, it has been removed from anaconda.org (it is marked as "broken"). I think it makes sense for the QIIME 2 team to try and "redeploy" the environment files, now that this package is gone. Stay tuned...