I’m looking to import the data produced by the pick_open_reference_otus.py protocol from QIIME 1.9.1. Are there any pointers or tutorials in which files to import from the open reference protocol? The folder output shows a number of .fna, .tre and .biom files and it is not clear to me which files I need to import.
I can see the specific commands to import the representative sequences and BIOM tables, however I’m confused as to which files I need to import from QIIME 1.9.1
I am not familiar with the specifics of the files output from this script in QIIME 1, but I imagine that the biom tables are annotated with sequence info - you can import that as a FeatureData[Sequence] artifact from your BIOM table:
@arnon, I just went through the ouputs of pick_open_reference_otus.py from QIIME 1.9.1, the files that you want to look at are:
OTU taxonomic assignments: rep_set_tax_assignments.txt
OTU table exluding OTUs with fewer than 2 sequences and sequences that fail to align with PyNAST and including OTU taxonomy assignments: otu_table_mc2_w_tax_no_pynast_failures.biom.
OTU phylogenetic tree: rep_set.tre.
New reference sequences (i.e., OTU representative sequences plus input reference sequences): new_refseqs.fna.
These are the specific commands I executed (from the links that @thermokarst posted).
qiime tools import \
--input-path new_refseqs.fna \
--output-path representative-sequences.qza \
--type FeatureData[Sequence]
qiime tools import \
--input-path rep_set.tre \
--output-path unrooted-tree.qza \
--type Phylogeny[Unrooted]
qiime tools import \
--input-path otu_table_mc2_w_tax_no_pynast_failures.biom \
--output-path feature-table.qza \
--type FeatureTable[Frequency]
# the source format may need to be --source-format BIOMV100Format if you were using an older version of QIIME
qiime tools import \
--input-path otu_table_mc2_w_tax_no_pynast_failures.biom \
--output-path taxonomy.qza \
--type FeatureData[Taxonomy] \
--source-format BIOMV210Format
After doing this, I looked at the data using QIIME2. I ran core-metrics phylogenetic and created a stacked barplot. Hopefully this helps @arnon.