Importing metadata file

Dear all,

I am facing a very strange issue while importing sample metadata file. I rund the following command:
qiime tools import \

--type 'SampleData[PairedEndSequencesWithQuality]'
--input-path /mnt/d/Skill_enhancement/QIIME2/manifest.tsv
--input-format PairedEndFastqManifestPhred33V2
--output-path /mnt/d/Skill_enhancement/QIIME2/paired-end-demux.qza

The error message is as follows:

There was a problem importing /mnt/d/Skill_enhancement/QIIME2/manifest.tsv:

/mnt/d/Skill_enhancement/QIIME2/manifest.tsv is not a(n) PairedEndFastqManifestPhred33V2 file:

manifest.tsv (175 Bytes)
'forward-absolute-filepath' is not a column in the metadata. Available columns: 'absolute-filepath', 'direction'

I have uploaded my metadata file here. So can anyone please check what are the possible reasons for my errors and how to trouble shoot them? I have tried everything to the best of my abilities but still getting errors.

Thanks and regards,


Hello Deepak,

This formt PairedEndSequencesWithQuality requires different columns in the metadata.tsv file.

Here is what you have:

sample-id absolute-filepath direction
samplea /mnt/d/Skill_enhancement/QIIME2/SRR17327077_1.fastq forward
sampleb /mnt/d/Skill_enhancement/QIIME2/SRR17327077_2.fastq reverse

Notice how the column 'forward-absolute-filepath' is missing, just like the error says.

Hello Brislawn.

Thank you so much for your reply. I relabled the 2nd column header as 'forward-absolute-file-path', and also relabeled the 3rd column as reverse-absolute-filepath to modify my manifest file. Finally, I made a few more tweaks in the manifest file to import the data successfully. I am attaching the file here as well for other members of the community as well. I hope it helps. Deepak
manifest.tsv (174 Bytes)

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Were you able to import the data with this new manifest file?
(If you get an new error, you can post that here!)

EDIT: I found your new post about DADA2. Thank you for making a new thread!

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