There was a problem importing /mnt/d/Skill_enhancement/QIIME2/manifest.tsv:
/mnt/d/Skill_enhancement/QIIME2/manifest.tsv is not a(n) PairedEndFastqManifestPhred33V2 file:
manifest.tsv (175 Bytes)
'forward-absolute-filepath' is not a column in the metadata. Available columns: 'absolute-filepath', 'direction'
I have uploaded my metadata file here. So can anyone please check what are the possible reasons for my errors and how to trouble shoot them? I have tried everything to the best of my abilities but still getting errors.
Thank you so much for your reply. I relabled the 2nd column header as 'forward-absolute-file-path', and also relabeled the 3rd column as reverse-absolute-filepath to modify my manifest file. Finally, I made a few more tweaks in the manifest file to import the data successfully. I am attaching the file here as well for other members of the community as well. I hope it helps. Deepak manifest.tsv (174 Bytes)