Importing Data on QIIME2

@TonySilver — as @colinbrislawn said, we need you to provide the exact command run, as well as the complete error you saw when running that command. With that said, looking at the original command you posted above, I suspect the error you saw is because your import data doesn’t match the declared type of data. Specifically, you are importing type EMPPairedEndSequences, but you are providing only one input file (barcoded.fastq.gz). Please review the Importing Tutorial section on EMP Single-end and Paired-end data for more details on how to import these data.

In the future, please provide a summary of:

  • The version of QIIME 2 you are using
  • The exact command you ran
  • The exact error you observed
  • A little bit of summary and description text explaining what it is you are trying to do, that way we have some context.

As well, I highly recommend you review the Docs, and the Getting Started Guide, before jumping into running an analysis with your own data.