https://localhost:8080/ doesn't work

Hi :slight_smile:

I installed docker with the tutorial from : Running QIIME 2 inside Galaxy (alpha release version) - YouTube and instead of choosing the path propose in the tutorial I choose my path from finder files (i'm on mac). I put the /export in the place where the video suggested and also add 8080 to the 80/tcp. But once the script is over and I wanted to open in the browser (google chrome) it's doesn't work : ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED or ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR
Here is the last line of the log :

2023-02-11 23:48:24 DEBUG 2023-02-12 04:48:11,194 [pN:main.web.2,p:1204,w:2,m:0,tN:Thread-1] Toolbox index finished (267.998 ms)
2023-02-11 23:49:05 
2023-02-11 23:49:05 ==> /home/galaxy/logs/handler1.log <==
2023-02-11 23:49:05 galaxy.model.database_heartbeat DEBUG 2023-02-12 04:49:05,786 [pN:handler1,p:743,tN:database_heartbeart_handler1.thread] handler1 is not config watcher
2023-02-11 23:49:09 
2023-02-11 23:49:09 ==> /home/galaxy/logs/uwsgi.log <==
2023-02-11 23:49:09 galaxy.model.database_heartbeat DEBUG 2023-02-12 04:49:09,820 [pN:main.web.1,p:1201,w:1,m:0,tN:database_heartbeart_main.web.1.thread] main.web.1 is not config watcher

Thank you!!

Hi @desjaraa,

Sorry for the delay,

https:// won't work unless you install TLS certificates into the galaxy server (not covered by the tutorial) and add a CA to the relevant browser. I would recommend not attempting that, and instead accessing galaxy via http://localhost:8080 which uses HTTP instead of HTTPS.

Then, it ought to work like you expect :slight_smile:

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