How to manage fastq files with qiime2 that are already merged demultiplexed and trimed?

I am using qiime2 2018.11.
I got files .fastq (only this, 1 gile per sample) from a company that perform microbiota analysis for me. The company told me that the files are already demultiplexed, merged and trimed.
I succeeded to import my files in qiime2 after creating a manifest file.
So I obtained a .qza file and a qzv to see the interactive quality plot. So I have only a forward reads.
But I don’t know what to do next with this files. Should I performed a denoising but how I can do since I have only forward reads? Should I directly use the .qza file to do the taxonomic analysis?

Excellent! So you are ready to proceed by following the steps in one of the tutorials, e.g., moving pictures. Since your data are already merged, you should not use dada2 for denoising — use deblur instead.

You should probably import as pre-joined reads following these steps. The rest of that tutorial page will tell you how to use deblur after importing your pre-joined (merged) reads.

You should perform denoising or OTU clustering. You will not be able to proceed to taxonomic analysis with out performing these steps (QIIME 2 will stop you!). The fact that your reads are already merged is not a problem for deblur!

Good luck!

Its is working well now!