How to install QIIME 2 2017.12

Hi there,

Im trying to install Qiime2 on my MacOS. Managed to install the latest conda version as below:

ShasiKumarsMBP:~ Crueljoker$ conda -V
conda 4.4.7

Im now trying to create the conda environment using the command given in the website but there is an error as below:

ShasiKumarsMBP:~ Crueljoker$ conda env create -n qiime2-2017.12 --file qiime2-2017.12-py35-osx-conda.yml
Using Anaconda API:

SpecNotFound: Invalid name, try the format: user/package

Please help as I am a novice in scripting.

Thank you.

Good morning Arutchelvan,

My guess is that the configuration file was not found by conda. Keep in mind you have to download it first with wget...


... then you can install it with conda:

conda env create -n qiime2-2017.12 --file qiime2-2017.12-py35-osx-conda.yml

Let me know if that helps,


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