I have performed ANCOM-BC to find differential abundant taxa between groups using this code:
qiime composition ancombc
--i-table output/id-filtered-table.qza
--m-metadata-file metadata.tsv
--p-formula province
--p-p-adj-method holm
--p-reference-levels "province::W"
--o-differentials output/differentials.qza
qiime composition da-barplot
--i-data output/differentials.qza
--p-significance-threshold 0.05
--p-significance-label q_val
--p-level-delimiter ';'
--o-visualization output/differentials_id_filtered.qzv
I am able to generate plots, but the labels on the y-axis are the taxa sequence (or Feature ID) and not the taxon name.
I have tried to add taxonomy using
qiime metadata tabulate
--m-input-file output/differentials.qza
--m-input-file output/taxonomy.qza
--o-visualization output/differentials-with-taxonomy.qzv
but this doesn't work as there was an issue with viewing the artifact 'output/differentials.qza' as QIIME 2 Metadata ( Artifacts with type FeatureData[DifferentialAbundance] cannot be viewed as QIIME 2 metadata).
I can only have the taxa if I run qiime taxa collapse
first at a certain level, but this does not generate exactly the same results (due to multiple testing correction?).
I know this question has been asked before, but I could not find the final answer.