How to create a Venn diagram from core-feature and from biom table?

Hi everyone,

I am trying to create a Venn diagram that shows the number of taxa shared between my groups: A, B, and C.

I tried to follow suggestions from a similar discussion to address this problem. I attempted to create a core-feature table for the feature-table that includes all A, B, and C groups, as well as for a feature-table obtained by filtering each group. However, I obtained a table with all zeros for the core-features, which included feature counts = 0, fraction of features = 0.0, and feature list = "No core features" for all the steps.

Do you have any explanation for why I am getting these results?
Alternatively, do you know if I can obtain a Venn diagram from a biom table?

Thank you so much for your help.

Hello @Antani,

Well, that's no good! Can you post the full command you ran so we can see what may have caused this?

P.S. Venn diagrams have some issues. :scream_cat: Instead of using a Venn diagram, you could try using other methods to compare the taxa between your three groups, like the Emperor plots made by qiime diversity core-metrics-phylogenetic (example from the PD-mice tutorial).

Not sure if this will make the matter better or worse, but in cases where my goal is to show shared or distinct characters among sets/groups, I tend to resort to a style of plot shown here. Hope this doesn't upset @colinbrislawn 's important point that existing alternatives may be more appropriate than my proposed visualization :smile:


thank you so much for your help.
First I've create three different table.qza, one per each of the three groups I have.

I've used the following code:

qiime feature-table filter-sample \
  --i-table table.qza \
  --m-metadata-file sample-metadata.tsv \ 
  --p-where "[group]='A'" \
  --o-filtered-table table-A.qza

here is the code I've used:

qiime feature-table core-features \
  --i-table table-A.qza \
  --o-visualization core-feature.qzv 

I've repeted filtering and core-features for all the three groups, and I've obtained a table with all zeros for the core-features, which included feature counts = 0, fraction of features = 0.0, and feature list = "No core features" for all the three filtered tables.

Basically, what I am searching is a way of represeinting how many microbs are shared amongs the groups I have after the classification. I thought that a Venn diagram may be a good option.
Do you have any reccomendation?

@devonorourke thank you for your suggestion, I'll check the resurce you shared.

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