How can I compare the differeance of the diversity both all of the groups and part of the group in a cloumn of metadata.

Thank you , sir. I want to use the rarefaction normalizes data to compare the difference of alpha diversity in some group of my samples. That's mean I want a fig A1 including all groups in all my samples ,and fig A2,fig A3...including different groups in partial samples,respectively. Also , I want a pcoa graph B1 including all groups in all my samples ,and fig B2,fig B3...including different groups in partial samples,respectively..

I have read this post. I used the result of qiime diversity alpha by import the rarefaction normalizes data rarefied_table.qza .from core-metrics-phylogenetic . And, I change the metadata form as below:

So my alpha diversity can be compared separately in different group.



filtering and re-analyzing will be more useful if, e.g., you do the total analysis and see differences between some groups but your PCoA plots are a nasty tangled ball… then you could filter and re-run with subsets for ease of visualization.


make me realized I couldn't separate a PCOA graph into groups through metadata changes.

So,do I need to filter the feature data accroding the groups first ? Then, I should rarefied the data again through set the second sampling depth of core-metrics-phylogenetic to obtain ob rarefied_table-2.qza? But does these two sampling depth (first time is for alpha and second for beta pcoa) should to be same ?

And ,I know the process of rarefaction normalizes data is random,even if with the same depth I cant get the same result,right? So, I wanna know that alpha diversity and beta diversity (pcoa) are not using the same standardized data is that a problem?
