Hi Everyone!
So I am still pretty new to qiime and microbiome analysis in general. I am at the end of my analysis but I have a question on the results and a few things I couldn't find in the forums or documents. I am interested in studying the changes in gut microbiome over time in relation to weight gain. I have a sample of about 130 college students from the beginning and the end of each semester of their freshman year. To explain some of the variables, participants were put into groups (weight loss, weight gain or weight maintenance) based on how their weight changed over the course of the year.
Among other tests, I ran first differences and first distances, then took these outputs and ran a LME model. Everything ran smoothly but now I am interpreting them and am having a hard time distinguishing the difference between first distance and first difference, especially when it comes to the beta diversity metrics. If first distances is similar to first differences just with a distance matrix as the input, then how would I interpret these results?
As an example I have attached my commands for first differences jaccard and first distances jaccard with the corresponding LME commands and results. I couldn't find any documentation that went over the units for the coefficient for first differences and distances, which is also contributing to my confusion as to how to interpret all of this. For example, are the First Distances Jaccard LME results telling me that the rate of change in the weight loss group (when compared to the reference group of weight gain) is increasing by that coefficient or that the distance between the weight loss group and weight gain group is increasing by that coefficient?
First Distances Jaccard
qiime longitudinal first-distances
--i-distance-matrix jaccard_distance_matrix.qza
--m-metadata-file DWmetadataBaseline.txt
--p-state-column FecalTP
--p-individual-id-column sparkid
--p-replicate-handling random
--o-first-distances jaccard-first-distancesFecalTP.qza
LME- First Distances Jaccard
qiime longitudinal linear-mixed-effects
--m-metadata-file DWmetadataBaseline.txt
--m-metadata-file jaccard-first-distancesFecalTP.qza
--p-state-column days_tp2
--p-metric Distance
--p-formula Distance~days_tp2+baseline_BMI+d_raceeth4_num+d_gen_num+weight_category
--p-individual-id-column sparkid
--p-group-columns d_raceeth4_num,d_gen_num,baseline_BMI,weight_category
--o-visualization LME-firstdist-jaccard_ categorical.qzv
First Differences Jaccard
qiime longitudinal first-differences
--m-metadata-file DWmetadataBaseline.txt
--m-metadata-file jaccard_pcoa_results.qza
--p-state-column FecalTP
--p-metric "Axis 1"
--p-individual-id-column sparkid
--p-replicate-handling random
--o-first-differences jaccard-first-differencesFecalTP.qza
LME- First Differences Jaccard
qiime longitudinal linear-mixed-effects
--m-metadata-file DWmetadataBaseline.txt
--m-metadata-file jaccard-first-differencesFecalTP.qza
--p-state-column days_tp2
--p-metric Difference
--p-individual-id-column sparkid
--p-group-columns baseline_BMI,d_raceeth4_num,d_gen_num,weight_category
--p-formula Difference~days_tp2+baseline_BMI+d_raceeth4_num+d_gen_num+weight_category
--o-visualization LME-firstdiff-jaccard_categorical.qzv
Thank you so much!!