Help regarding fungal UNITE classifier?

Hi, i am a little confused about the latest UNITE classifier. I have used classifier training for Bacteria from Data resources — QIIME 2 2021.4.0 documentation One file for ref sequences and one fil for ref taxonomy.

For Unite , i download this one single file PlutoF biodiversity platform

Is this correct and this is the file I put into my directory?

I was expecting two files for sequences and taxonomy. Could someone clarify this?

Kind regards

Hello Martyn,

That file is a .tgz file, which is a TAR file that's been compressed with gzip. :clamp:

When you unzip that file with tar -xvzf file.tgz, you will see the reference taxonomy and reference sequences mentioned in the tutorial. :card_index_dividers:

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Hi Colin, thank you for your reply. So is that a code that i use to unzip? or is there an easier way.

Yes, after replacing file with the real file name.

On MacOSX, you can double click on a .tgz file to extract it. That's pretty easy! :apple: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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