Hacktoberfest: Contribute to Open-Source & Get a free t-shirt

Join QIIME 2 in Celebrating Hacktoberfest

Hacktoberfest is a global event encouraging meaningful contributions to the open source ecosystem, for beginners and veterans alike, and a month-long celebration of open source software.

:white_check_mark: :tada: :tshirt:The first 50,000 participants to open 5 pull requests in any GitHub repos receive a limited edition T-Shirt. :tshirt: :tada: :white_check_mark:

QIIME 2 is an open source, community-driven project. We are always looking for new contributors and your help, large or small, is valuable to the progress of this project. We’d love it if you chose QIIME 2 for your contributions this month.

I want to contribute, where do I start?

Register for the event, find an issue, and dive right in! Untagged open issues, enhancements, or contributions in your own repositories are also fair game. With the QIIME 2 Library up and running, maybe it’s time for you to build that QIIME 2 plugin you’ve been dreaming about…

Ready to contribute?

  1. :fork_and_knife: Fork any QIIME 2 repo
  2. :wrench: Make some awesome changes!
  3. :tada: Make a pull request


Contact Us

If you have any questions feel free to ping us through the forum.


Good Evening,

My name is Claudia, I will be taking the Hacktoberfest task titled UX Bug: fix sort icon placement in column header #23 my github account is @clawss

As a reminder, I am one of the students from Igor’s class.

Thank you!


Hey all,

My name is Joseph Remy and I am in Igor’s CS 499 - Open Source Software class at Northern Arizona University. My team and I (Group 1) are currently working on the QIIME 2 Library author bug.

Here are the GitHub usernames of our team:


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My name is Madison Boman (@madison-boman on GitHub) and I’m going to start working on the task UX: Barplot color palette cycling behavior #111.

I am also one of the students from Igor’s class.

Thank you,
Madison Boman

Good Morning,

My name is Van Steinbrenner and I will be working with Claudia on the UX Bug: fix sort icon placement in column header #23 and my GitHub account is Suttungr.

Thank you for your time!

Good Morning,

My name is Hyungi Choi( @heyhyungi on GitHub) and I’m going to start working on the task ANCOM volcano plot missing plot data TSV #59.

I am also one of the students from Igor’s class.
Thank you for your time!

As a team, we will each be doing a separate issue, instead I will be taking the * barplot should error if any sample IDs in the feature table aren’t found in the metadata #110* issue.

My apologies for any inconvenience.

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Hey there @Suttungr - I added you to the q2-taxa repo as a collaborator — go ahead and confirm the invite and I will assign the issue to you. Thanks!

how to confirm the invite ?

The invite was sent to @Suttungr (https://github.com/Suttungr), GitHub usually sends emails and adds an in-app notification, too.

@lmanchon, are you interested in working on an open issue? I haven’t seen your username pop up anywhere in this thread, can you let us know what issue you are interested in working on? Thanks! :t_rex:

Awesome! Thank you for adding me!

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