galaxy qiime 2 tools import fastq data


I try to use qiime2 in galaxy but I have a problem with importing data
I 'm trying to reproduce my script on galaxy but I don't understand what input I need to import my reads.
I tried with my manifest using with my terminal.
but it didn't work
I have an error on galaxy windows on the right of my screen (below)

Unexpected error importing data:
/000/dataset_12.dat is not a(n)
PairedEndFastqManifestPhred33 file:
File referenced on line 2 could not
be found (/Users/slegall/Desktop/R1R2

and when I click on this error

Unexpected error importing data:
/000/dataset_12.dat is not a(n)
PairedEndFastqManifestPhred33 file:
File referenced on line 2 could not
be found (/Users/slegall/Desktop/R1R2

「type: SampleData[PairedEndSequencesWithQuality]」
「format: PairedEndFastqManifestPhred33」

I tried to change path in my document, changed csv in tsv ...

Can You explain to me what input I need to make the first qza : "paired-end-demux.qza"

I have pairedendfastq reads
Thanks a lot

Hello @sdavid, you will need to upload all of your data in the R1R2 _souris_Salmo_Avril_2022 directory to galaxy as a collection using the Upload Data tool. Then you will need to use qiime tools import to import it as SampleData[PairedEndSequencesWithQuality] in the Casava One Eight Single Lane Per Sample Directory Format format. Instructions on how to do this may be found here.

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It doesn’t work I have this error message

I send you my table
Is there another possibility to upload paired end sequences in galaxy qiime2 in tar format for exemple like in Frogs


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