I would like to use taxa barplots to display selected feature e.g. from qurro analyses.
For testing I did the following:
I have analysed a microbiome data by deicode and could identify the most contributing taxa to rpca along one axis in qurro (used autoselection of top/bottom 1%).
I exported these features from qurro und used these features to filter a frequency table by ‘qiime feature-table filter-features’. A taxa barplot using these filtered table and the taxonomic classification gave me a barplot with just the features previously exported from qurro.
Not bad, showed the selected relative abundances, but I lost of course the relative scaling for all features, and therefore this kind of barplot is only of limited use.
What I am searching for is a barplot with an ‘option’ to select features from a separat table, e.g. the tsv table exported from qurro (instead of selecting them manually, one by one…). I assume, that this would require a major redesign of the taxa barplot plugin, but may be there is a way around to get to the same result with existing functionalities.
Best regards