I am trying to run qiime fragment insertion with SEPP. I'm using a custom SEPP database I built myself following @dethlefs' very helpful instructions here: Trouble generating SeppReferenceDatabase qza - #2 by dethlefs.
I generated the SEPP database using qiime tools import --type SeppReferenceDatabase, and now I'm trying to test whether it works by running fragment insertion on my first five ASVs. Here are my reference database and the 5 SV sequences:
SeppRefDB.qza (16.6 KB)
sv1sv5.qza (6.1 KB)
I ran:
qiime fragment-insertion sepp --i-representative-sequences sv1sv5.qza --i-reference-database SeppRefDB.qza --o-tree insertion-tree.qza --o-placements insertion-placements.qza
But got the error:
Plugin error from fragment-insertion:
Command '['run-sepp.sh', '/var/folders/1m/v2hn0_5s66nf5z894vbq8hq40000gq/T/qiime2/alison.ravenscraft/data/5f7b4326-9c05-40ba-9d8e-b2fa7dd0adc5/data/dna-sequences.fasta', 'q2-fragment-insertion', '-x', '1', '-A', '1000', '-P', '5000', '-a', '/var/folders/1m/v2hn0_5s66nf5z894vbq8hq40000gq/T/qiime2/alison.ravenscraft/data/b376f2a2-d9a4-4f3d-b392-7a4229f3bcf8/data/aligned-dna-sequences.fasta', '-t', '/var/folders/1m/v2hn0_5s66nf5z894vbq8hq40000gq/T/qiime2/alison.ravenscraft/data/b376f2a2-d9a4-4f3d-b392-7a4229f3bcf8/data/tree.nwk', '-r', '/var/folders/1m/v2hn0_5s66nf5z894vbq8hq40000gq/T/qiime2/alison.ravenscraft/data/b376f2a2-d9a4-4f3d-b392-7a4229f3bcf8/data/raxml-info.txt']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
Following @thermokarst's advice here, I re-ran the command with the --p-debug and --verbose options. Here is the output:
sepp debugging.txt (7.7 KB)
A few previous posts have suggested this error is caused by a memory issue, but my reference phylogeny only has 122 leaves, and I'm only trying to place 5 ASVs onto it. Furthermore, I followed @dethlefs and @Stefan's suggestion here to trim the reference alignment to just the fragment region being placed, so my reference alignment (as well as my 5 ASVs) is only 468 bp long. I have also tried running fragment insertion via QIIME2 in Galaxy - that also failed. So it seems like this shouldn't be a memory problem - but maybe I'm wrong.
Any suggestions?
I can't describe in words how extremely grateful I would be for any help or guidance. I've been beating my head against this for over a month. (Several months actually, since I was previously trying to run SEPP directly through the command line, and that also failed.)