ids_to_keep must contain at least one ID., I'm certain that the sample IDs are all there in the metadata
I then ran qiime feature-table summarize --i-table table.qza --o-visualization table.qzv
and the number of samples visualised on qiime2view was 0, could be that all the samples were filtered out. the option --p was 240 (screenshot attached) Kindly assist
It looks like you've got a quality control issue. At 240 bp, none of your sequences are surviving the quality filtering standards. So, my suggestion would be first, to think about trimming your sequences shorter (maybe 100 bp?) to try to keep higher quality reads. However, I'd also suggest contacting your sequencing provider or re-running your data, because these seem like very low quality reads.
I think your sequencing quality may just be too low. I encourage you to contact your sequencing provider and ask if they can re-run it for you, or to re-run it yourself.
Did you run Deblur or Dada2? What do the output logs tell you?