Hi Matt, forgive me, here is the example:
I have a merged table.gza and req-seqs.gza file for 7 runs. I now want to pull out only the samples from the table to work one to: a) make a tree b) more diversity metrics c) export data to phyloseq to make graphs/charts.
The table should be filtered by sample name, but the req-seq.gza file for the same samples as well? I think my main confusion is that since we merged the req-sequences together, should those be pulled out for the samples we want to work with? Because we want to generate a tree only for the samples of interest and not the merged table?
Thank you Matt. Ben
edit: How do I create a tree from a subset of samples? and this `filter-seqs` found in a feature table · Issue #152 · qiime2/q2-feature-table · GitHub
This is my main question, should I filter the rep-seqs.qza file to create a new tree for the subset of samples? Maybe I really mean to say, can I filter a rep-seqs.gza table based on sample ID and not feature ID.
edit:edit: Filtering sequences without taxonomic annotation - #5 by Nicholas_Bokulich
This is what I wanted to do! keep sequences aligned to samples in a table. Thanks.